Good afternoon, it's been a rather long weekend. For this week, our primary focus was to spend a half hour doodling. After watching the video provided by Beth Lykins, I remembered that I have never actually doodled before. I have only ever drawn on paper when I had a specific focus or a goal to reach and accomplish through drawing. What's more, we were introduced to the four "S" concepts in class last week; Synchronicity, Serendipity, Spontaneity, and Surrender. So I sat down and decided to start up a timer for 30 minutes, it was time to start doodling for the first time and with the four S's. Two minutes in, I had completely forgotten about the four S's. I struggled to put anything down on the paper to start the page, I felt as though I could not draw anything without thinking of it as a real sketch or drawing. After about three minutes, I decided to put on some music and just draw, whether I put a lot of thought into it or not. This was my result:
For the most part, I started at the top left, then randomized the rest of my drawing positions. I am not very good at putting my creative thoughts down on paper, which is one of the reasons I'm taking classes such as this one. I know what each image is and how it was created in conjunction with my thought process at the time; but I really do not know how the creative process worked with the session of doodling. I can relate some of the doodles with the four S's discussed in class, but it may be hard to explain how.
Serendipity: The eye looking thing in the center of the page, they were lines and dots that I threw down while thinking about the galaxies and universe as a whole. I don't think it is by chance, but everything has developed in a way that is beneficial to life, and in our lives we are privileged to feel happiness. I'm rather happy that things turned out the way they are, but I'm open for some changes.
Surrender: Honestly, this entire assignment was a surrendering to me. I'm a mostly confidential person, I only talk when I feel as though I need to and I usually prefer to watch and listen. Having an assignment to doodle all my thoughts down felt a bit daunting to me, enough that I would delay it for as long as I could. However, there is a side of me that wants to release all the thoughts for someone to see. My "Confidential" self surrendered to my "Let it all out" self for a little while. Also, the pencil sketch is another example of surrender, but that's not important yet.
Spontaneity: The scribbles starting at the top left of the page felt very spontaneous to me. I was listening to music while doing this assignment, when I suddenly started writing down some of the tones of the music. I thought of tracing the note tones as the song played. I didn't like the first song after listening to it for a few minutes, so I skipped drew in a skip sign right after it, right after skipping the song in real life. This was probably the first spontaneous drawing I have ever made, all other drawings I've made were contemplated before starting.
Synchronicity: Here is where I kind of draw a blank, I honestly do not know if there is any synchronicity in my doodling. When I look at the marks on the paper, I don't feel a sense that anything really lines up in a synced sort of way. The only possible relations I can see are how the cross might look like the frame of the balanced scale, or that both "Protect" and "Defend" are written on the shield. I may not completely understand the meaning of Synchronicity, despite looking up the actual definition. I hope I can get get some feedback from the class and maybe a note from the instructor on what she sees that may be an example of Synchronicity. I feel as though my thoughts that went onto this doodle were more randomized than synchronized.
This assignment was an interesting concept to me but also felt like a challenge to complete. I'm not very good at portraying my ideas to the world outside of my mind, but that's something that I need to be able to do if I want to pursue my dreams. I'm glad that I have a class that requires me to step out of my comfort zone more than other classes. I'm also looking forward to feedback on my doodling. Maybe someone else sees this a lot differently than I do.
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