Monday, April 20, 2015


Ah, the Bliss exercise. How very nice it is, as well as how very nice it makes me feel. Having times where I am able to just play or think are so nice. I like playing video games and I like to just think about certain ideas of mine. During this block of time that we are to spend out of class, I’ll enjoy such a time of bliss in a time of really needing to do stuff for school, just a bit of a break would be nice. A few conditions that are needed to make sure I stay in a blissful mood are as follows: I need to not think about anything serious, have fun, do some good thinking about things I want to think about, and overall just stop feeling worried and anxious about stuff. I’m going to keep this rather short, since doing homework does not keep me blissful. I’ve never really heard of an assignment where we’re just supposed to take some time to do stuff that we want to do, so this was very refreshing and it’s pretty enjoyable.
After completing the Bliss exercise, I compiled some obstacles and “what if” questions to follow them up:

1.      I’m afraid of talking about my fears
a.       What if I find a reason(s) to dismiss my fears?
b.      What if I try to convince myself that it can be beneficial to talk about fears?
c.       What if I just went for it just to see how it goes this one time, then decide forever more if I’ll ever do it again?
2.      I’m afraid of talking too much about my fears when I actually do
a.       What if I just decide to say only what needs to be said?
b.      What if I plan out whatever items are needed and try to weed out any fluff?
3.      I feel like I need to be really careful about what I say
a.       What if I thought about the class as a safe(er) environment?
b.      What if I plan out what I’m going to say, as in a speech form?
c.       What if I just decide not to care about what I say? (not going to happen)
4.      I don’t really want people to know what my fears are
a.       What if I change the subject of my fears to something away from the deep ones?
b.      What if I be careful to not say too much during class?
5.      Normally I don’t really worry about what people think of me. But when it comes to talking about a subject like fears, I actually am worried about what people will think.
a.       What if I try to go back to a mindset where I don’t worry about it?
I know I’m short on questions, but I can’t think of anything else.

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